Monday, February 09, 2015

Date Night

So I found myself alone for the whole weekend in New York City.  This was terrifying... I can't even eat alone, I usually go tomy car between classes at uni... I am just not great at being alone in public. So I did the only thing I knew how to do, I planned.

On Saturday after a banana pancake breakfast and a dance in the snow, I went downtown to the Fashion Institute Museum and went and saw two exhibtions 'Halston and YSL, Living through the 70s' (pretty self explanatory) and 'Faking It' which showed both licenced and counterfit copies of fashion next to the originals. This took a few hours but the day wasn't finished so I decided toget off the subway at Times Square and have a bit of a shop and see what was cheap at the TKTS booth. I went through the massive Disney and M&M stores before deciding that I wanted to see Kinky Boots that night. I didn't have a spare $150 for a ticket so did some Googling and found that they hold a ballot for $35 'obstructed view' tickets two hours before the show.

So I walked home and got ready for an early dinner. I walked a few blocks down towards the theatre before settling on a little diner for a burger and fries. I then rushed tothe theatre and was lucky enough to score  cheap tickets. I still had 2 hrs to kill so went next door for a much deserved cocktail. At the bar I met a few people who were kind enough to buy me a few drinks and teach me the rules of basketball. Kinky Boots started at 8 and it was a fantastic show. The only part of my view that was obstructed was the top right hand of the stage.... where nothing was happening anyway!

The next day I walked and walked and walked. Over 18kms! I walked from my hotel all the way up Madison to the top of Central Park then walked back down Lexington, stopping into a few shops along the way. I then made my way over to 5th and dropped into the most famous toy store in the world... FAO Schwarz. I then made my way home and started packing as was meeting with Maddie at 11.30pm to goup the Empire State Building. I took myself off to a late, fancy dinner of Salon and Tuna Tartare and Truffle and burnt butter ravioli. Maddie and her sister Annalise arrived and we set off for the Emipre State. Unfortunately due to 0% visibility we weren't allowed up, it was my last night in the city so I was crushed. The plus sidewas the guard let me take photos in his hat!! We then made our way back and stopped into H&M Times Square some midnight shopping!

I'm all packed and ready for my long journey home tomorrow. I can't say I'm looking forward to heading home but the girls are taking me out to breakfast so I think I may drown my sorrows in chocolate chip waffles!!

- K x

Emma and Kate take New York

After my helicopter flight was canceled for the second time Em and I decided to head downtown to Soho for a bit of a shop and a wander.

As you can imagine we shopped more than we wandered. It got to 3pm and we both realised we hadn't eaten all day so ducked out of the cold into a cafe for a sandwich.

After alot more shops (think we covered over 15kms) and a few more hours we ducked into a bar for a drink and some dessert. Then I lugged my bags back uptown and got ready for my helicopter flight in the morning.

Friday morning was beautiful so my flight was on! Thanks to Mum and Brian I spent 19 minutes up in the air flying from battery park all the way up past harlem. I didn't take my phone so will upload camera photos later.

It was by far the coldest day at -14° so I met up with Emma and caught a subway across to Brooklyn. We got some coffee and walked around for a while before heading to the Brooklyn Museum for the Killer Heels exhibition they had running.

Then we went to Herald Square for a bite to eat and to buy some boots. It was Ems last night so she went home early to spend it with her cousin. I headed home via the $1 pizza place on Broadway and had a nice quiet night in.

I'm alone in the city for the weekend so hopefully I'll be able to occupy myself!

- K x

Friday, February 06, 2015

Best Day Ever!

So today, somehow, we had the most incredible luck.

I met Maddie and Annalise at my hotel and we set out for our touristy day. After grabbing a coffee and pastry for breakfast we stopped into the Ed Sullivan theatre around the corner from my hotel to try our hand at winning tickets to the Late Show with David Letterman.  We signed up and were told if successful we would be called by 1pm.

We then walked a few blocks to Rockefeller Centre and went up the to the Top of the Rock. No lines, and we got a discount! We spent around an hour looking around then headed back down to assult 5th ave. In Bergdorfs I received a call saying we were successful in getting Letterman tickets and needed to be back on Broadway and 54th by 2.30pm, leaving just enough time to iceskate in central park! I made a little squirrel friend on the way and Maddie and I speng around an hour skating in a circle (I didn't even fall!). Then we grabbed some amazing 99c Pizza and headed to the theatre.

We picked up our tickets and had an hour to kill before taping so went for a walk along 54th and stumbled upon a theatre showing Caberet with Emma Stone and Alan Cummings staring in it. Unfortunately there were no tickers left but there was a cancelations line from 6pm so we could try our luck at that. We headed back to the theatre and were gossiping about who we would most want to see... I of course said Taylor Swift or Blake Lively and by some stroke of luck we got Blake's husband Ryan Reynolds. He was very funny and couldn't stop gushing about Blake and their 6 week baby girl.

After the very long taping we rushed to the Caberet theatre... which turned out to be Studio 54... neither of the girls knew what that was but I think I've seen or read about way too much from the 70s and I got so excited to be standing in such an amazing venue where so many incredible people had been before! We were the second people in line and waited until 7.50pm before speaking about giving up (the show was starting at 8). At 7.59 we were told that there were 4 tickets avaliable and they were $192 each. My limit was $150 and we all just couldn't justify that much so passed on the tickets.... as did everyone else in line. They ended up giving up the tickets away to us for $85!! We went to our seats and we were the 3rd table from the front. I later checked the cost of tickets had we paid full price and they were upwards of $700 each!!

The show was incredible and while Emma Stone was great (and very small and skinny) Alan Cummings stole the show. Words cannot explain how amazing he was. After the show we headed uptown to Serendipity 3 for a dessert of Frozen Hot Chocolate and Apple Pies.

Watch out Mum... I may never come home!

- K x

New York, New York.

After 4 weeks of cold showers, backpacking, 14hr travel days and the impossible language that is Spanish I arrived on the glittering island of Manhattan. And boy does it sparkle. It must be something to do with winter as all the trees are lit with fairy lights and the snow is just magical.

On our first day Emma, Chad (Ems Canadian boyfriend) and I headed out to Woodbury Common outlet stores to find some clothes to brave the NYC winter. 7hrs and a lot of money later we were exhausted and headed back to the city.

On Monday Em, Chad and I battled the snow storm (unsuccessfully) and walked along 5th ave. We made it 2 blocks before giving up and catching the subway way downtown to the World Trade Center. We spent almost 3hrs in the 9/11 Museum and a few tears may have rolled down  our cheeks. Then we decided to head up to the highline but unfortunately due to the storm it was closed, so we walked through Chelsea Markets instead before our 5.30 reservation at Buddakan (where Carrie and Big had their rehearsal dinner in Sex and the City). We had Duck Salad, Deviled Tuna Tartare and Lobster Fried Rice while drinking St. Germaine, Pineapple and Vodka cocktails and of course it was all incredible. Then it was Ice Hockey time at Madison Square Garden and I think I have found my new favorite sport! They sing between every play, its nice and short and there is a big song and dance for every goal! 'My' team the New York Rangers won which was all very exciting.

Tuesday my friend Maddie and her sister Annalise arrived in town so we decided to do a big shopping day, going from 60th to 34th along 5th ave.... we didn't even make it 15 blocks in 7 hours! We had to rush home to make our 5.30 dinner booking at Marseille as we had a 7pm show. We all loved the Book of Mormons and giggled the whole way through. Afterwards we walked a few blocks down to Times Square to get the full effect of all of those flashing billboards.

Excited for a day of touristy stuff tomorrow!

- K x

Monday, February 02, 2015


14hrs after leaving Belize we arrived in Mexico. We were all beyond exhausted so had a very quiet dinner and went to bed.

After a well deserved sleep in Em and I went for a walk and shop around Playa del Carmen then a stroll on the beach before mango margaritas and mexican food for lunch. We then made our way up to our sister hotels rooftop pool and proceeded to tan for a few hours before our pampering began. 

To get NYC ready Em and I both paid the enormous sum of $20 to get our hair blown out and have cherry red manicured nails. We rushed back to the hotel just in time for our last dinner on the beach with our group.

New York tomorrow...

- K x


When I heard we were going to Belize I imagined white beaches, azure blue water and the warm sun... I was not disappointed when I arrived at Caye Caulker. We arrived at the Belizean island after 5hrs of travel and practically jumped into our bikinis and headed out to soak up the last of the sun.

The next day was snorkeling and sailing. We sailed out to 3 different snorkel spots, and even though its described as the worlds second most beautiful reef it's got nothing on our Great Barrier Reef! We didn't see any coral but were able to swim with stingrays, some evil blind giant turtles (if you get too close they bite!) & some super cute baby green turtles. 

After our snorkeling we put up the sails and slowly made our way back to the shore. It took around 2hrs which left plenty of time to tan, dance to some Caribbean tunes and drink a fair amount of Rum Punch. After getting off the boat it was time to relax and watch the sunset off the pier.

The begining of the most incredible day of my trip began with the best banana pancakes I've ever had in my life. But the next experience... this is the whole reason I went on this crazy 33 day tour... the big blue hole. Special mention to Mim and Puppa as my Christmas present was a flight over the blue hole. It was 1.5hrs long in a 6 seater plane and... wow, it did not disappoint. The hole is so unbelievably big and beautiful and turquoise blue and words do not do it justice. When I first saw it I genuinely had tears in my eyes. For anyone considering going and seeing it, I cannot recommend it enough. It was beyond the highlight of my trip.


- K x

Ruining my life....

For our first ruin of the second half of the trip we made our way to Tikal, Guatamala... the 'New York' of the Mayan world. While seriously large (they took 4hrs to walk around) they weren't as impressive as Copan or Chichen Itza as they weren't totally uncovered. 

After crossing the border into Belize (woohoo finally english again) we got settled into our second Eco hotel in San Ignacio. With a composting toilet block and outdoor showers I'm sure you can imagine how impressed I was! San Ignacio was not what I expected Belize to be like... it was cold and wet! Where is the beach!  We headed into town for dinner and ate the biggest burritos in the world (the length of my forearm) and then Em and I watched Sweet Home Alabama in bed.

AUSTRALIA DAY! After having fryjacks and vegemite for breakfast we headed off to the Belizean ruins of Xuantunich stopping on the way for supplies for our picnic. After walking for 2kms (uphill) we finally arrived and wow... these were real ruins. They were completely uncovered and so beautiful and intricate. 

We strolled around for about an hour then set up shop for lunch ontop of one of the temples. We sat there for a few hours soaking in the sights and the sum before heading back to reality. I Skyped Brian for his birthday and Abbey made a guest appearance. We had a bonfire for Australia Day and sat around singing Aussie classics. Big day tomorrow... Caye Caulker.

- K x

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Okay I'm terrible at this

We left our homestay families at 8am and had a little boat ride over to a cliff for breakfast and a swim in San Juan. We then had a long bus ride back to Antigua.

Once arriving in Antigua Em and I decided to spoil ourselves by her getting a massage and me getting a blow wave! Then we all had a group dinner before our early wake up call of 4.30am!

The travel day to Rio Dulce was hell! 8hrs in a bus! With only 1 hr to go we stopped at a hot waterfall and cold springs. It was very odd being in freezing cold water and feeling 45° water falling over you!

Our hotel in Rio Dulce was an eco hotel... With 2 toilets for all 30 bungalows! We settled into the hotel and decided on our activities for the next day before dinner and drinks with another GAdventures group.

The next day we had a lazy morning and lay out by the pool until 3pm when we had horseriding. We rode for around 2hrs and stopped to climb up a 4 story tower. Unfortunately the horses weren't in the best shape which was a little sad.

Our travel day to Flores wasn't too bad, only 5hrs in a bus. Once we arrived we unpacked and went on a sunset boat cruise around the islands. We had a little swim before dinner. A Vegie burger later and it was time for me to go to bed before our 6.30 wake up time to go to the ancient myan ruins of Tikal.

- K x

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Crazy days

For our last full day in Antigua the girls and I took it pretty slow. We walked around markets, hiked up to the famous viewpoint and got our nails done (priorities).
That night we did Salsa classes with the group which was hilarious, we are all terrible.

The next day we caught 5 hrs worth of chicken busses up to Panajachel... I genuinely thought I was going to die. Once there we walked around the town and markets and settled into our hotel by sunbaking on the lawn. For dinner we met up with Jean from our old group and had some amazing Paella.

Day 2 in Panajachel we went to breakfast and had some amazing banana pancakes, then went back to the hotel to pack up ready to go to our home stay in San Juan, a mostly Mayan speaking town.

A 45 minute boat ride later and we met our families. I stayed with the organiser and her two year old daughter  which was lucky as she spoke a bit of Spanish and English. We walked around the town as a group and learnt about how they made organic medicines and textiles from scratch.
It was getting late so we headed back to our houses for dinner and to play with the little girl.

Tomorrow we are heading back to Antigua.

- K x

Saturday, January 17, 2015


After drinking enough tequila for a small nation, those of us who hadn't left yet pulled ourselves out of bed at 12ish and went for a walk, shop and lunch.

Then we had a little nap and met our new group at 6.30.

We went out for dinner with them but were all so exhausted from the night before that we were tucked up in bed by 9.30.

Tomorrow is another free day in Antigua so we may have a girlie spa day...

- K x

Last Day - Part 1

Today was our last day with the first group and it was a bit of a sad one.

We had an 8 hr bus ride from Copan to Antigua and on the way stopped for lunch and a guy was selling puppies on a bicycle... Abbey almost got a new friend for the low price of $40!

Once we arrived Ricardo took us on a tour of Antigua, it is the old capital of Guatamala which was destroyed by a flood from the Volcano waters.

Then it was time for dinner, we went to an Australian bar for a drink first then to a super expensive restaurant (I paid $20 for a main and a cocktail) for dinner.

At dinner we decided to do a bit of a mini roast of everyone in the group. So we each had a piece of paper with our name on it that was handed around and everyone wrote something on it. We then headed up to the rooftop and everyone read their sheet out. By the end of it everyone was in tears from laughing so hard. Emma and I probably got it the worst but there was nothing too mean written so it was all taken in jest.

Then we went out, and boy did we go hard. We got into a club and were told ladies drank for free... thats when the tequila and body shots started. Somehow by midnight we ended up dancing on tables in the VIP section.

Clubs in Antigua shut at 1am so we went to an illegal bar afterwards until 3 and went a bit crazy. The bar then closed so we made our way home, stopping by the ruins to all stand on a podium and make a speech. The Canadian boys had to leave at 4 so we all waved them off and went to bed.

Tomorrow will not be a fun day...

- K x


Today we went to the ruins in Copan.

They were absolutely incredible and the area is called the Paris of the Mayan Empire due to the detailed 3D art everywhere.

The area was home to around 30,000 Mayans including the royal family of the area. We were able to see the small stadium where they played a ball game (the captain of the winning team was sacrificed) and stand where the king would have addressed his people.

We all got attacked by midges and mosquitos while we were there so after a healthy dose of bug spray we went for a walk and some lunch.

After lunch we all just had some quiet time before a bit of a shop and dinner. A few of us went to a bar that shows films and watched 'The Drop' (it's terrible) before heading to bed as we have a big travel day tomorrow!

- K x

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Sorry for being awol the last few days. I've been quite sick so any moment I've had to myself I've been sleeping.
Heres a recap of the last week:

Poneloya - On our day in Poneloya we did... not much. Sunbaking on the beach, playing in the water and drinking tropical cocktails. That night we let of about 20 fireworks including blowing up a piñata puppy that we named 'Boom Boom'.

The next day was a massive travel day to El Salvador, 14hrs including 2 boats! For the last 5 hrs Greg and I had a great set up at the back of the bus, my tablet, a headphone splitter, popcorn and a few movies. It made the trip somewhat bearable. We arrived in Suchito El Salvador at around 9pm and were put into rooms of 4 to sleep. Em and I bunked with the 2 other Australian girls Darci and Elyse so it was just like a big slumber party.

We were able to explore the town a bit the next morning before driving 4 hrs to Ataco, El Salvador. This was the height of my illness so after dinner I went straight to bed.

The next day people went off to do waterfall jumping etc but i thought ot best to have a sleep in and take it easy. When the others arrived back I had a late lunch with them and we all went to the hotsprings that afternoon. That evening everyone was buggered so it was just crepes for dinner then bed.

We travelled 6 hrs the next day over 2 boarders to reach Copan, Honduras. This is where some of the 'most important' Myan ruins are which we will go to tomorrow. Everyone went out but I'm still fighting this cold so am going to give it a rest until our last night as a group in Antigua. From then Elyse, Darci, Em and myself leave everyone and continue on through Guatemala and Belize finishing in Mexico!!

Internet is shocking here in Copan so photos to come later!!

- K x

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Grenada City Tour

Finally a sleep in!

After my first night in a room alone we all got ready for our 10am pick up to go on our tour of Grenada, Nicaragua.

We went and saw a few churches in the city, they're very colourful and Spanish as Grenada is the first place the Spanish settled in Nicaragua.
A boat tour of the little private islands followed, you can buy your own for around $140k!
We then got to swim in a volcanic crater that was filled with water it was a massive lake (I was expecting something small)

Finally we got to go up an active volcano. The views were amazing but the smell was terrible! We saw the sun set then looked over the edge and saw the glow from the lava.

We got home at around 8 and were all exhausted so ordered in Pizza and had a quiet night.

Volcano boarding tomorrow.

- K x

Friday, January 09, 2015

Volcano boarding

Still in Nicaragua, we left Grenada and headed 4hrs towards Poneloya.

On the way there was a vital stop... Cerro Negro, the volcano we boarded down.

Somehow like an idiot I once again chose and paid to hike 1km at a 45° angle up a volcano.
Boarding down was fun though! We reached speeds on sleds of up to 50km!
Once all sweaty, dusty and finished we got on the bus and headed to the beach town of Poneloya for a bit of R&R.

We are staying at a hostel all 16 of us together in the same room so this should get interesting...

- K x

Thursday, January 08, 2015


Today was a bit of a nothing day.
We were picked up from our homestay in Ometepe at 6am and took the 5hr journey via ferry and chicken bus to Grenada.

We arrived, had lunch then chill out time by the pool before dinner in town.

Tomorrow we are going on a tour of grenada including a volcano and islands.

- K x

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Scooting in Ometepe

Today we went Mopeding around the island of Ometepe, Nicaragua.  Yes Mum I know my insurance didn't cover it and yes it was dangerous but wow was it fun.

We had a beyond awkward breakfast with our families then the Canadian boys, the Yank, an Aussie girl the tour guide and Emma and I met and hired little mopeds for the day.

After a few not so impressive crashes (in the sand, no broken bones!) We were confidently off zipping around the island.we paired up and trusted the boys with our lives as they zipped through Ometepe. Greg (the american) and I definitely got the slowest, oldest one and as a result got lost a few times.

We drove about an hour and a half over every surface imaginable (the roads in Nicaragua are not up to Melbournes standard) then we finally arrived at the base entrance to a waterfall. We started walking up only to be told it would be a 1.5hr hike. Ricardo started ferrying us up via dirt bike in order to make the journey quicker... it didn't... from the parking area (around 3km up) it still took us around 2hrs with rest breaks to hike up! If anyone had told me I'd be hiking a volcano I would have laughed in their face!

Although the journey was tough the waterfall and views were amazing and almost worth the hike. It was then 4pm and we all realized we hadn't eaten since 7am so went off to a natural spring attached to a resort for lunch. Like the true Westerners we are we all ordered some form of burgers and fries (in fairness we've been surviving on beans and rice for a week straight now!). We then headed back but it started to turn dark and our little moped lights were no help at all so we rode home at about 30km an hour!

We arrived home and had a big bonfire and a couple of drinks to celebrate the fact that everyone had survived the day!

Off to Grenada tomorrow at 6am!

- K x

Monday, January 05, 2015

12 hours...

Wow. Today was a doozy.

We woke up at 5.45 to ensure all of our stuff was packed and ready for the massive 12hrs ahead of us.

We started off with a 5hr bus ride with some stops along the way. Almost everyone slept until our 7.30 breakfast stop! 

From there it was another 1.5hrs to a waterfall, along the way we played my music (we have a system where people get bullied to play their music) so everyone enjoyed the Taylor Swift and other embarassing Pop songs I had!

The waterfall was pretty but only 4 people went in, I think the rest of us didnt want to spend the next 8 hrs wet on a bus!

From there pretty much everyone slept until our first boarder crossing from Costa Rica to Nicaragua. It was a massive ordeal, we were lucky we were prepared with our exit taxes or we would have been waiting 2-3hrs in line for that. It took about 30mins to leave the country then we had to walk across the boarder!

The walk was only about 500 meters so not too bad, we got Ebola checked which was pretty exciting!!

The worst part was being stuck in "no mans land" for around 2hrs while Ricardo took our passports to process for our visas into Nicaragua.

Finally, after a few hours he returned back and we had to pass through the most unofficial immigration ever. 2 men in a uniform guarding a gate... which went into a market!!

The "Chicken Bus" or public bus was next. They use old American school busses and cram as many people as they can on. We got really lucky and all got a squishy seat. We were on there for an hour and saw the 2 volcanos of Ometepe.
After a 45 minute ferry ride we FINALLY arrived at our destination of the island of Ometepe at which we got to see an amazing sunset.

We met the families we are staying with and went home. Em and I are staying with a non english family which make chatting to them difficult. We ended up going to bed at 7.30 and watching Mamamia as we didnt know what else to do!

Tomorrow is going to be interesting ...

- K x

Zipping around Monteverde

Still in Monteverde, today we went on the longest Zipline in Latin America. It was around 1.5kms going 100km an hour at about 180 meters tall!

It was scary to begin with but after a while it became super fun seeing the beautiful cloud forests at such speed and height!

Afterwards we went for lunch and a big walk around the town.
Half of the group went bungie jumping so I went along for the ride as official photographer!

That night we had a Costa Rican buffet dinner with a big bonfire. Due to being so high up in the cloud forest its constantly drizzling so it was nice to get warm and dry for a bit!
Then we went salsa dancing at a nightclub. Some of the boys surprised us with their moves but most had 2 left feet!

We unsuccessfully tried to play wingmen to the boys but ended giving up at midnight as we had a 6am bus ride!

On the way home we made a little puppy friend who was adorable. He was so cuddly, blonde, fluffy and playful I wanted to ship him home to play with Abbey!!

- K x

P.s. photos from Ziplining are on a disc so wont be uploading for a little while

Saturday, January 03, 2015

The last 2 days...

Sorry for not posting the last 2 days, Internet has been terrible (not surprising given the tiny town we are in...)          

New Years day in La Fortuna was a slow one for me as most of the activities were high intensity (climbing down watefalls etc). So I walked into town, had a look around then chilled with some other people who weren't participating in activites.

That night we went to the natural hotsprings which were amazing. Steamy hot water coming off the volcanos and super stong currents were pulling us in every direction. I think everyone at some point fell over!

After that a few of us just had a cheap dinner in the town and went home to bed.

The next day we went by bus and boat to Monteverde - still in Costa Rica. It took around 3hrs to get to which wasn't too bad. Its at the top of a mountain and was raining heaps, which was so funny as the rain here goes sideways due to the winds from the Caribbean and Pacific oceans!

We all had lunch together and decided to do a rain forest walk. We saw a few cute animals and walked over some super high suspension bridges which was pretty cool.

Some of the group then went on a night hike but due to my poor eyesight I opted for an early night before ziplining tomorrow!!

Photo to come... have to track down Emma when we are in a wifi zone to get some good shots!

- K x

Thursday, January 01, 2015

New Years Eve

La Fortuna is only a short 3hr bus ride away from San José and it's where we journeyed to on the second day of the trip. A few embarassing tunes and an Abbey look alike sighting later we arrived. The weather is typical tropical weather, on and off raining, cloudy, warm and humid.
We then all had a lunch of traditional Costa Rican food, Casado which is meat, rice, beans, corn chips and salad... it's huge! We went for a walk around town (about 15min stroll from our hotel) then set off for a waterfall to have a swim in.
The waterfall was under a road bridge which was kind of weird. To get in we had to jump 2 meters into the water that was only 8ft deep so I opted out of that one but about 1/2 went swimming.
We then checked into our hotels had some downtime and started getting ready for the spa (man made) hot springs. They were amazing, 10 pools ranging fro  25°c to 50°c and we sat in them while it was raining. We were there from 6.30 till 10 and had dinner at the traditional style buffet.Our bus forgot to come and pick us up so the tour guide Ricardo organised taxis instead.
After a super quick shower and change of clothes we were ready to go ring in the new year Costa Rican style. Sipping on sugar cane rum and orange juice we dance the night away at an outdoor concert with live Latin American music. It had been raining all day so the field was full of mud, making the experience all the more fun! At midnight the fireworks went off and continued for around an hour, which is when the torrential rain started! We were all filthy anyway so just continued attempting to dance like all the locals until we got pulled up on stage by the host. There was hardly anyone left at this point so we danced on the stage as a big group for around half an hour before heading home.
Thinking getting clean was a good idea at 3am we all stood in the pool up to our thighs unsuccessfully trying to wash the dirt off. We then headed back to the Canadian's cabin and played Cards Against Humanity before heading off to bed at 4.15!
Some of the crew have to be up at 7am tomorrow for the Waterfall jumping activities tomorrow but as thats not a great idea post microdiscectomy I may treat myself to a sleep in and explore some more before going to the natural hot springs in the afternoon.
- K x