Friday, February 06, 2015

New York, New York.

After 4 weeks of cold showers, backpacking, 14hr travel days and the impossible language that is Spanish I arrived on the glittering island of Manhattan. And boy does it sparkle. It must be something to do with winter as all the trees are lit with fairy lights and the snow is just magical.

On our first day Emma, Chad (Ems Canadian boyfriend) and I headed out to Woodbury Common outlet stores to find some clothes to brave the NYC winter. 7hrs and a lot of money later we were exhausted and headed back to the city.

On Monday Em, Chad and I battled the snow storm (unsuccessfully) and walked along 5th ave. We made it 2 blocks before giving up and catching the subway way downtown to the World Trade Center. We spent almost 3hrs in the 9/11 Museum and a few tears may have rolled down  our cheeks. Then we decided to head up to the highline but unfortunately due to the storm it was closed, so we walked through Chelsea Markets instead before our 5.30 reservation at Buddakan (where Carrie and Big had their rehearsal dinner in Sex and the City). We had Duck Salad, Deviled Tuna Tartare and Lobster Fried Rice while drinking St. Germaine, Pineapple and Vodka cocktails and of course it was all incredible. Then it was Ice Hockey time at Madison Square Garden and I think I have found my new favorite sport! They sing between every play, its nice and short and there is a big song and dance for every goal! 'My' team the New York Rangers won which was all very exciting.

Tuesday my friend Maddie and her sister Annalise arrived in town so we decided to do a big shopping day, going from 60th to 34th along 5th ave.... we didn't even make it 15 blocks in 7 hours! We had to rush home to make our 5.30 dinner booking at Marseille as we had a 7pm show. We all loved the Book of Mormons and giggled the whole way through. Afterwards we walked a few blocks down to Times Square to get the full effect of all of those flashing billboards.

Excited for a day of touristy stuff tomorrow!

- K x

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