I genuinely don't think I've ever been this tired in my life. We rode 9 miles (approx 15km) today from Fisherman's Wharf, across the Golden Gate Bridge to Sausalito.
I can't believe I made it after never having done real exercise in my life, although there were a few tears and rest stops (I am a drama queen), I'm still pretty impressed!
Once in Sausalito we went to a yummy spot on the bay, tried clam chowder (I'm not a fan) and had yummy seared tuna with wasabi mayonnaise, made me think of jap mayo which brought me back to St.Kats :(
Once back in San Francisco (no I didn't ride back there was a nice ferry) Macy's was hit up, a cute pair of shoes later and it was time to test drive half baked Ben and Jerry's to see if it's worthy of the $13 at Leo's at home (it's $4 here... And yes it was!).
Now we've just finished packing as we head to Mexico tomorrow morning. It will be soo nice to stay put for a while, we are staying in Playa del Carmen for 8 days... All expenses paid/inclusive so Tom is going to go crazy with the food/free water sports available!
Until Mexico,
- K x
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