Friday, June 15, 2012

A Little Friday Sparkle.

So I haven't posted on here in forever but I am going away for 3 weeks soon so thought it would be a good way to stay semi in contact with friends and family. I'll get around to changing the layout/colour scheme because lets be honest all black and grey is a little depressing. Life has changed considerably for me since Germany/posting on this Blog, so I've come to rely on this little quote by one Miss Tinkerbell "All you need is Faith, Trust and a little Pixie dust" it reminds me to keep believing and keeping the sparkle in my life alive (lame I know, but that's just me). So if you feel like it check back and have a look at the super exciting life I'll be leading (for 3 weeks) while you're all braving the cold in Melbourne.
- K x

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