Saturday, June 30, 2012

It's official, I'm an international model

Okay not really, but really. Basically just got picked off the beach to do a promo photoshoot for the hotel, nothing too interesting just 30min of sitting there in one position and getting champagne to pretend to sip and getting burnt by the sun.

Other than that nothing much happened, lay by the pool. Went to dinner, tried 2 types of watermelon martinis (the St Kats one is way better!)

Lovely warm day in Mexico and looking forward to go to the ruins tomorrow :)


- K x

Friday, June 29, 2012

Hola Mexico

Not that much today, just a 5 hour flight to Mexico. It's so hot and pretty here and the hotel is AMAZING, I thought our dollar went far in Thailand but wow Mexico is on another level.

Nothing much else to report, just super sleepy!

- K x

Thursday, June 28, 2012


I genuinely don't think I've ever been this tired in my life. We rode 9 miles (approx 15km) today from Fisherman's Wharf, across the Golden Gate Bridge to Sausalito.

I can't believe I made it after never having done real exercise in my life, although there were a few tears and rest stops (I am a drama queen), I'm still pretty impressed!

Once in Sausalito we went to a yummy spot on the bay, tried clam chowder (I'm not a fan) and had yummy seared tuna with wasabi mayonnaise, made me think of jap mayo which brought me back to St.Kats :(

Once back in San Francisco (no I didn't ride back there was a nice ferry) Macy's was hit up, a cute pair of shoes later and it was time to test drive half baked Ben and Jerry's to see if it's worthy of the $13 at Leo's at home (it's $4 here... And yes it was!).

Now we've just finished packing as we head to Mexico tomorrow morning. It will be soo nice to stay put for a while, we are staying in Playa del Carmen for 8 days... All expenses paid/inclusive so Tom is going to go crazy with the food/free water sports available!

Until Mexico,

- K x

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Just 1 thing

Not going to lie basically nothing happened today, except one thing.... Shopping.

Yeah my savings took a massive hit but hey pretty things make me happy :)


- K x

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

San Fran-disco

After arriving last night and staying at the beautiful Sir Francis Drake hotel we decided on a tour of the city to start off the day. After buying a pair of Keds to walk in (my 13 year old self is shitting herself) we spent 3 hours of ooh-ing and ahh-ing at a bunch of buildings, but I've got to say the Golden Gate bridge was pretty impressive. The buildings looked very Melbourne like as the city was flattened in 1906 by an earthquake (everything here is measured by earthquake eras it's weird).

After that we set out to Alcatraz. We did the only tour that you can actually walk on Alcatraz (not just sail around it). Did a really lame (but actually pretty cool) audio tour around the prison, they even had ex-residents speaking on it and telling stories/their experiences.

Finally a little shopping (they have a sports Calvin Klein here - its awesome) and some yummy French for dinner and now I'm just back at the hotel ready for a big sleep :)


- K x

Ps: Tom wants a quote on here... He says "don't do drugs"

Monday, June 25, 2012

Driving on Highway 1... Part 2

After all the excitement yesterday nothing much happened today, just drove from Cambria to San Francisco and arrived at 6.30pm, our hotel Sir Francis Drake is soooo 1920s deco and really cool. I would love my house to be decorated in this style :)

Lots of lame country radio stations and sleep :)

Tomorrow will be much more exciting, SanFran seems pretty cool, very Melbourne like, so I'm excited to explore the city!


- K x

Road trip part 1

Sorry about the lateness about this post, but you all can deal.

Big day, drove through Malibu, stopped in Santa Barbara for a land shark tour (it's as cool as it sounds) then stopped in Cambria (sounds like Camberra) at a bed and breakfast to sleep, room was massive as was the excitement that followed, Brian decided to lose the keys... 200 miles out of LA... 300 miles from SanFran.... Yep clever, so had to get a replacement car which came at 5am this morning!

Nothing much else happened, just a lot of sleep! And becoming hooked on the CW show 'cheaters' (tacky, reality, awesome TV!)



Saturday, June 23, 2012

Marc Jacobs and Chanel

Wow, massive day. Went to Universal studios from 9 - 3 (seriously anyone going, splash out for front of house pass, may be double the price but we waited 3 not 80 mins for most rides). Then onto Santa Monica to have a look at the pier and do some shopping.

Hit up Bloomingdales hard for my first purchases of the trip, stocked up on Chanel makeup (cannot believe the cheapness of it here, $30 mascara?!?!? Amazing) and bought my first big ticket item of the trip. A beautiful Marc Jacobs milk colored bag. I saw it and within minutes it was mine, ah love.

Too tired to write anything else, so that's all you get for now, oh and photo collage #2 :)


- K x

Friday, June 22, 2012

The first 40 hours are always the hardest.

And that they were, finally after leaving Melbourne at 6am Thursday I get to go to sleep for the first time! Massive day today, landed at LAX at 7am and have not stopped.

We did the usual touristy things, Hollywood blvd, walk of fame Chinese theatre etc. Then Mum and Tom went crazy in a shoe store, got to say I was a bit impressed 5 pairs of Nike/Calvin Klein/Ralph Lauren shoes for $350!

Finally a bit of a shop on Rodeo which included many rings being tried on in Tiffany's. Don't worry, no damage done yet, but a few purchases are in mind for our next visit, after Rodeo we popped into Koi in West Hollywood for dinner. One word, amazing. Decor, food, atmosphere all awesome. I would recommend it to anyone, a bit exxy but soo worth it! (and they even served me alcohol!)

Now I'm in bed and it's 10.30pm and I am so sleepy. Tomorrow Universal Studios so better get my beauty sleep!


- K x

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Just a test.

Not taking my laptop o/s so will be updating via iPhone... We will see how this goes.

Here are some pictures of the thing I will miss most in the world.


- K x

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Little Friday Sparkle.

So I haven't posted on here in forever but I am going away for 3 weeks soon so thought it would be a good way to stay semi in contact with friends and family. I'll get around to changing the layout/colour scheme because lets be honest all black and grey is a little depressing. Life has changed considerably for me since Germany/posting on this Blog, so I've come to rely on this little quote by one Miss Tinkerbell "All you need is Faith, Trust and a little Pixie dust" it reminds me to keep believing and keeping the sparkle in my life alive (lame I know, but that's just me). So if you feel like it check back and have a look at the super exciting life I'll be leading (for 3 weeks) while you're all braving the cold in Melbourne.
- K x