Tuesday, September 09, 2008

i just re-read this and it makes no sence

even though its tuesday i thought it was time to give you an update from the weekend.

friday night -
we had a family bbq
then went to the bar "habibi" with some friends...

saturday -
we went kayaking with the family ~ funny that i did sport voluntary i know!

saturday night -
we went to a party ~ not so fun

sunday -
SLEPT ALL DAY ~ like i used to... but i can’t anymore ... stupid work

yeah its hard.
try 10000000 times harder in german.
I kid you not but its okay.
tomorrow i get a sleep in :D and on thursday a big one (because i dont do latin)

some of you will be happy to hear that there are no men as yet.
still only one on my mind. which i know is bad but i cant help it.
i know i'm meant to leave all of my troubles and worries behind in melbourne and embrace life here.
but somtimes you just cant.

i miss gossiping with K and T
steaming up the D-floor with B - lol
german with G
macking with M :P
roling on the floor in hysterics with E
fighting with T
girl talking with Mummy
and of course
i'm missing getting abused by S.

its been just over a week now but it feels like so much longer - in a good way i think.

anyway, i must be going keep sending me emails/comments/ANYTHING oh and when your commenting... please leave your name so i know who you are - thanks.

and kids, don’t do anything stupid...

i'll find out i'm only fifteen hours west,
katie x


Georgia said...
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Anonymous said...

i really miss you but it looks like you're having a great time
i miss rolling on the floor in hysterics with you and listening to you make a fool of yourself everytime you speak haha
keep having fun
..140 days
i love you
xx ell

Anonymous said...

ahh how very gossip girl of u KK
well dont worry S is abusing me twice as much to make up for ur being away
and trust me theres not a hell of allot of gossip atm
and this fri were reunioning with M
and then im off up north to the sun
and we all miss u lots...M does alot too trust me
he cant forget u either
hope ur having fun
love u xx

Kate K said...

he better damn well miss me
argh noosa i wish i was coming with you all :(
have a good reunion with M... call me... but like b4 4?

love me xo

Anonymous said...

I miss girl talk with you too, the people now living in my house just want to talk sport, food and sport (and they smell funny) xxxxxx

Kate K said...

haha mummyyy.....

Anonymous said...

Live it up Katie
Once in a lifetime opportunity!
I know it's hard being over there, but try and make the most of it! It'll be some of the best time of your life!
Keep it real