Monday, September 29, 2008

one month...

this date one month ago was:
the day after my last morning walk with you
24 hours after "our night"
my last australian maths lesson EVER!
saying goodbye to 10A
friday glenferrie
australian starbucks
my last dinner with dad

tomorrow a month ago was:
an amazing saturday night
with the people i love
smiles laughter and random hookups
getting down and dirty on the d-floor
filled with tears and hugs with TJ
one of the best nights of my life

in two days a month ago was:
the morning after the night before
sushi and cupcakes for breakfast
breakdancing by the TV
walking on a sticky floor
weighing ourselves on dodgy scales
zipping up my bag
lying on the floor laughing as you attempted speaking german
a sunday i will never forget

those 3 days meant so much to me
so thank you everyone who shared them with me
i love you

-katie xo


Anonymous said...

One month, 2 days and 1 hour ago I saw your smile, felt your hug and was able to look you in the eye and tell you how proud I am you are my daughter and how much I love you. Thank you for being you. xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

aw mummy,
don't make me cry.

Anonymous said...

Right back at you darling. xxxxxxxxx

Kate K said...

tell tommy to send me the email back
because he hasnt

Anonymous said...

Which email??? BTW - love the video - was waiting to here your new favorite song. xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

OMG - will never live down the fact that I had a spelling mistake in my last comment - 10 to 1 you didn't pick it up - xxxxxx

Kate K said...

there is no u in favrouite???
is there ment to be a u?
pfttt i dont know

oh no wait it was here - hear hahahahahhahahha

and my fave song wasnt in the video
the email i sent to him before you went to fiji....

Anonymous said...

Ah that German education is reaping it's rewards. He is at Dad's. Spoke to you that night so in the 12yo psyche that was his reply. We are going to set him up on MSN so you can talk directly to him. Can you come home and do it for me as I have nooooo idea. Speaking about replying to emails what about one sent last week!! Mwah!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

ahahaha katie its favourite, still love you all the same..
also, it was fully on monday that we weighed ourselves on dodgy scales.. no need to lie.
oh i love you and miss you so much! xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hey Dev, One month, 2 days ago since there were no towels in your bedroom - Oh but I miss you. xxxx