Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Everything i write on here is seen by all – i know,
but please don’t judge, or talk about me though.

I’m just a normal teenager, trying to find her way in the world. So don’t assume or believe everything i write is truly what i feel it could be feelings from my past or other peoples perspective.
But writing is just a way to express myself.
Some things may be intense but as i was once told,

if you’re going to tell a story tell a good one ...


Anonymous said...

whats this all about?
theres nothing bad to judge u on in ur blog...
love u x

Georgia said...

i dont understand :S
i see no judgeable thing here
i love you

Anonymous said...

Agree, nobody is judging you we are all just proud of you and maybe just a bit envious that you have the guts to do what so many of us wished we could. Stay happy. TGgTF Love you