Monday, December 25, 2023


Now think of the most German place you can, let me guess, you're thinking of a Beer Hall in Munich. Well after a few flight delays, that's where our trip in Germany started. The Hofbräuhaus! We unfortunately were too late for food, but managed to sneak a few beers in (Radler for me) before heading to bed, ready for our early morning train to Kitzbühel. 

We arrived in Kitzbühel at around 10am, ready for a day of skiing, however unfortunately were met with hurricane-like winds and avalanche warnings meaning the slopes in the whole region were closed for the next few days. No matter, sounds to me like we will have to spend another Christmas over here!! We had a wonderful day walking around the town centre and seeking refuge from the cold with a hot chocolate at a Cafe. A few bars sounded like the perfect way to spend the late afternoon, including a wine bar that had a Mango Mojito on the menu - seemed fitting! Our final stop was a very authentic restaurant where no one even spoke English! I muddled through with my high school German and managed to order us two Schnitzels and some Käsespätzle. The Schnitzels were MASSIVE, but don't worry, I still left some room for Apple Strudel! Ahhh, the food of my people is so heavy but soooo tasty! Very full, and very happy, we went home to watch The Holiday in bed. 

Given the bad weather will continue tomorrow we've decided to get the early train to Salzburg to start the Christmas vibes asap!

K x

1 comment:

grandma said...

i am enjoying reading about your trip on my new computer.