Monday, July 09, 2012

Last day in LA

More shop shop shopping :)

Hit up Rodeo Drive, then had a champagne at the Beverly Wilshire (Pretty Woman hotel) and shopped a whole lot more!

Afterwards went to Robertson Blvd, the credit card got a bit of a workout at Kitson then had a late lunch at the Ivy, pretty sure I saw a "real housewife" or two... Or maybe they were just super botoxed, bling-ed out nobodys?

The day ended with a classy gallon of diet coke and the new episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians :)

All packed and ready for our last day tomorrow... At DISNEYLAND the happiest place on earth :)

- K x

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Vic Secret, Beldels, Bloomingdales, Oh My!!

Wow, I know how to shop, and yet I have never shopped like I did today. I literally shopped till I dropped. So much so that the boys had to take a load of bags back to the hotel for us.

Beverly Hills will never look the same again, and I don't think my credit card ever wants to go near Bloomingdales after the bashing it got today :)

Afterwards we celebrated Mums birthday in style at Asia de Cuba, yummy japanese fusion food and a special dessert for Mummy dearest.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a repeat of today :)

- K x

G'day LA

After a 5 hour flight, and a few tears we arrived back in LA last night :)

Friday, July 06, 2012

Lazy Mexico Days

The last few days have been spent chilling by the pool, jet skiing and rocking out the karaoke stage.

My last day in Mexico is tomorrow which makes me pretty sad, off to LA for a few days then homeward bound.

3 weeks at the start felt like forever but it's gone super quick!


- K x

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Chicken Little

Went to Chichen Itza yesterday and it was amazing. Beautiful Mayan ruins that were built they think around 700ad which is crazy.

We had a Mayan guy which was pretty cool, he told us all about the supposed end of the world on 21st December this year. Apparently it just means the end of an era and happens every 52 years which is pretty lucky for all of us who didn't want to die :)

Nothing else really, stopped by a little town on the way home nicknamed little Barcelona which is believed to be one of the first cities founded in Latin America.

Fun times :)

- K x

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Relaxing time

Basically that has been my last few days. Sleeping and reading :) its been nice.
Also these little guys are like a big guinea pig and they're super cute, they are all over the place. For some reason they make me miss Abbey :(

- K x

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Under the sea

Sorry for being late but the second I got home last night I fell asleep!

Yesterday we did a tour and saw Tulum, a Mayan ruin, it was amazing and the history of the Mayan is so interesting. Fun fact, the area that I'm in now was only developed 40 years ago, before that people still lived the Mayan way!

We then went to a few Cenotes which is kinda like a lagoon. The first one was Xel ha which had a bat cave (the bats were actually really cute) we could snorkel into. Then we went to Akumal which is a turtle beach. We swum with turtles which was really cool, they were huge! Finally we went to Yal Ku which is a giant Cenote where fresh water and sea water meet so there were heaps of little fishies!

Then finally home time, a nap, and a fancy dinner at the italian restraint here. The food at this resort is amazing :)

Anyway better go work on my "tan" (or lack thereof, any bets I'll come back whiter than before!).

- K x