Monday, January 26, 2009


i can't believe i actually did it.
i can't believe i am leaving.
it seems so surreal.
my suitcase is packed.
my room, almost empty.
and i just can't believe
how short 5 months really is.
this will be my last blog before i am home.
probobly the last blog i ever post up here.
i hope you enjoyed reading about my adventures in europe
and apreciate how hard and yet amazing germany has been.
so soon i shall jump on that plane
and fly fifteen hours east.
15,951 kms.
and then its over.

i shall see you soon.
with love for the last time from fifteen hours west.
- peace xo

Sunday, January 18, 2009


and then its all over.
it still hasnt hit me that i'm leaving.
i don't think it really hit me that i'm here though.
i can't imagine my room here not being my room.
i always knew i'd come back to melbourne.
and that i'd see all of my friends.
but i don't know that.
i have to say good-bye to people that i may never see again.
this week is going to be so hard.
a mixture of excitment and dread.
i really don't know what to feel.
or if what i'm feeling is right.
i don't know how to deal with this.
i don't know how i am going to live without some of these people.
some its eaiser than others.
some just live a few cities north.
but others are fifteen hours west.
people who i won't see for another 2 years.
thats if i'm lucky.
its just crazy.
and i really don't know how to describe it.

i'll see you in 9 days.
single digits.

-love xo

Sunday, January 11, 2009

dear boyfriend.

whoever said diamonds were a girls best friend lied.
the way to a girls heart is simple.
just six words.
malano blahnik jimmy choo christian louboutin.
(the words chanel and tiffany don't hurt either)
buy me a pair and i'll love you forever.

sixteen days.

-peace xo

Thursday, January 08, 2009


Mimmy your emails keep bouncing back.
so heres the message i sent like 2 weeks ago.

Hi Mimmy,
Hope you all had a wonderful christmas the pictures look like you all had fun.
Thankyou so much for my present. The second i opend it i put it on my braclet.
See you soon!!!
Love K xo

p.s. say hi to bill for me xo

and i dont know why it didnt send

Friday, January 02, 2009

ich bin ein berliner

in berlin.
back on sunday.
hope you all had a wonderful new years.
- love xo

Thursday, January 01, 2009


My 2009 Resolutions

be a better daughter.
be a better sister.
be a better friend.
be a better girlfriend.
be better.
try harder at school.
don't give up every chance i get.
lose weight.
be happier.
live for the moment.
make new friends.
get a job.
make time for me.
stop worrying about what people think.
say what i mean.
drink more water.
eat less chocolate.
eat more sushi.
get fit.
stop relying on my fast metabolism.
pass year eleven.
speak more german.
buy something expensive for myself.
get a new phone.
buy more shoes.
stop being so picky.
let myself be happy.
cuddle more.
be worthy.
appreciate everything.

now tell me yours.

- peace xo