Tuesday, November 03, 2009

the beach.

not the movie.
the place.

the place we all escape to when lifes just getting a little too hard.
i myself have chosen it as my long study weekend destination.
and study, i have done.

and although i didn't even see the sand, my head hurts and i never want to look at a book again.
it still comforts me as it did before.
as the relaxing summer destination i have known and loved for years.

so i thank you pt lonsdale.
for the peace and quiet (and even a little bit of fun) you have brought to me this weekend.
i will see you again in a month or so.

until then.

- peace xo

Sunday, September 06, 2009

ein jahr.

over one year on and i still wish i could go back
although it would never be the same
my life was so much simpler i was happier

i'm trying now
i really am
and everything is beginning to fall back into place

i wish i could travel back in time
relive it all again
the happiest, scariest, most amazing 5 months of my life

i miss you germany
and i promise one day i will return
but who knows when that will be...

- liebe <3

Sunday, June 14, 2009

you said
that im the only one
you said that im your number one
now your gone and i feel numb
tell me where did we go wrong
you were my best friend and boyfriend
now its seems like you're my worst friend
i gotta do soul searching
without you im a whole different person
i aint acting like i used to
i don't feel loved like i used to
it was your love i was used to
why did i have to lose you?

- "Alive" Black Eyed Peas

Friday, June 05, 2009

four weeks.

if everything

was everything

but everything is over

could be everything

if only we were older

i guess its just
a silly song about you

and how i lost you...

- "brown eyes" lady gaga

image: wischful-thinking.blogspot.com

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


so we didn't last.
i really thought we would.
the love i have for you will never fade.
everything i said was true, real.
i was myself around you.
you were and still are my everything.
and i know that i will never forget you.

so this is for you...

The days are getting colder
There’s no summer left at all
To warm my skin
Heal my sins

The nights go on forever
They’re cold and lonely i
Wish you were here
Wipe away my tears

I know, that this may sound naive
I know, that I’m too young for you to believe
I know, that in the end you will leave
I just want you
Here with me.

I know we can hold on to the end
We’re already halfway, why pretend
Why lie when we already know what’s true
Let’s not let the distance come between me and you

The snowflakes are softly falling
Floating through the air
Like you do my mind
All of the time

And somewhere deep inside me
I want to tell the world that
I love you
But what can I do?

I know, that this may sound naive
I know, that I’m too young for you to believe
I know, that in the end you will leave
We’re halfway and I just want you
Here with me.

I know we can hold on to the end
We’re already halfway, why pretend
Why lie when we already know what’s true
Let’s not let the distance come between me and you

But I can see through the rain
And I can run through the pain
And I know I’m far away
It will all be okay

And it’s more loss than gain
But I promise I won’t change
And I know I’m far away
But it will all be okay

The days are getting colder
And I wish that you were here
To be with you …
It’s getting cold.

i still love you.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

summer days.

okay so i know i have been way slack at updating this.
sue me.
everything has just been so hectic latley.
school, family, friends, life.
just everything really.
summer has come and its fading slowly.
but i am making the most of what i have left.
school has started.
but the days are still hot.
i miss it more and more each day.
germany that is.
looking back at photos bring tears to my eyes.
but knowing no one can ever take those memories.
somehow makes me tresure them even more.
anyway i'm off to school.

happy studying kiddies.

- peace xo

Monday, January 26, 2009


i can't believe i actually did it.
i can't believe i am leaving.
it seems so surreal.
my suitcase is packed.
my room, almost empty.
and i just can't believe
how short 5 months really is.
this will be my last blog before i am home.
probobly the last blog i ever post up here.
i hope you enjoyed reading about my adventures in europe
and apreciate how hard and yet amazing germany has been.
so soon i shall jump on that plane
and fly fifteen hours east.
15,951 kms.
and then its over.

i shall see you soon.
with love for the last time from fifteen hours west.
- peace xo

Sunday, January 18, 2009


and then its all over.
it still hasnt hit me that i'm leaving.
i don't think it really hit me that i'm here though.
i can't imagine my room here not being my room.
i always knew i'd come back to melbourne.
and that i'd see all of my friends.
but i don't know that.
i have to say good-bye to people that i may never see again.
this week is going to be so hard.
a mixture of excitment and dread.
i really don't know what to feel.
or if what i'm feeling is right.
i don't know how to deal with this.
i don't know how i am going to live without some of these people.
some its eaiser than others.
some just live a few cities north.
but others are fifteen hours west.
people who i won't see for another 2 years.
thats if i'm lucky.
its just crazy.
and i really don't know how to describe it.

i'll see you in 9 days.
single digits.

-love xo

Sunday, January 11, 2009

dear boyfriend.

whoever said diamonds were a girls best friend lied.
the way to a girls heart is simple.
just six words.
malano blahnik jimmy choo christian louboutin.
(the words chanel and tiffany don't hurt either)
buy me a pair and i'll love you forever.

sixteen days.

-peace xo

Thursday, January 08, 2009


Mimmy your emails keep bouncing back.
so heres the message i sent like 2 weeks ago.

Hi Mimmy,
Hope you all had a wonderful christmas the pictures look like you all had fun.
Thankyou so much for my present. The second i opend it i put it on my braclet.
See you soon!!!
Love K xo

p.s. say hi to bill for me xo

and i dont know why it didnt send

Friday, January 02, 2009

ich bin ein berliner

in berlin.
back on sunday.
hope you all had a wonderful new years.
- love xo

Thursday, January 01, 2009


My 2009 Resolutions

be a better daughter.
be a better sister.
be a better friend.
be a better girlfriend.
be better.
try harder at school.
don't give up every chance i get.
lose weight.
be happier.
live for the moment.
make new friends.
get a job.
make time for me.
stop worrying about what people think.
say what i mean.
drink more water.
eat less chocolate.
eat more sushi.
get fit.
stop relying on my fast metabolism.
pass year eleven.
speak more german.
buy something expensive for myself.
get a new phone.
buy more shoes.
stop being so picky.
let myself be happy.
cuddle more.
be worthy.
appreciate everything.

now tell me yours.

- peace xo