Monday, December 29, 2008


this year has been a big one for me.
i've let people who weren’t good for me go.
i've rekindled old friendships.
i've met new people.
i've discovered new places.
i've grown up - more than i thought was possible.
i've gained new family members.
i've moved halfway across the world.
i finally got to taste real japanese food :P

i've partied.
i've drunk.
i've laughed.
i've cried.
i’ve danced.
i’ve sung.
i’ve been embarrassed
i've regretted.
i've missed.
i’ve gossiped.
i’ve found independence.
i've fallen in love.

and now i am reflecting.
there is only one word to sum up this year.
it truly was amazing.
i've learned that without the hard times how do we appreciate the good.
i'm finally understanding what i want.
and how i can get that.

i know it’s still a little early but what the hell
happy 2009 kiddies
i love you all
here is a video of some of the amazing times of 2008.
if your are in it consider yourself lucky.
- peace xo


Anonymous said...

What a brilliant pictorial of your year for you to reflect on for many years to come. May 2009 be bigger, better and brighter. xxxxxxxx

wisch said...

omg i just whatched that
almost cried it was so cute
now u have to make on every year haha
love the foursome
and u just had to add josh in there haha
and our many dancing moments throughout the yr haha
LOVE U so glad ur home x