Sunday, November 16, 2008

from paris to berlin

well dresden to berlin... but shh no one needs to know that
i'm off to berlin for a couple of days with Steffi and Laura.
i know i never update this. but we all know how lazy i am
i will be back wednesday. i may update this then.
hope you like the new photo/layout and if you dont too bad :P
love me xo


Anonymous said...

of again
katie do u realise there are no photos of us on ur blog
ok minus the ones where u can see my hands haha
dosent the foursome get a pic?
im dissapointed btw braclets are in the process, sort of
so look for german charms
love x

Anonymous said...

Berlin, Munich, Monarco, Italy, Prague, where to next????.....back in Oz struggling to get to the new Doncastershoppingtownoneword. xxxxxxx