Monday, November 24, 2008

crunch time

i have to make a really hard decision
and no one is here to help me
i don't know what to do
i hate time difference
mummy what do i do?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

let it snow

the first day of snow.
hanging out with the aussies.
i can't believe i am leaving so soon.
i am having the best time.
- peace xo.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


over halfway there.
i can't believe i've made it this long.
without jumping on a plane back home that is.
but i know the worst and best is yet to come.
my sixteenth birthday.
new year.
those two weeks are the best in the year.
i am surrounded by friends and family.
its summer.
and i don't mind the attention or constant flow of gifts.
this year is going to be different though.
new friends host family winter.
but i am excited.
tomorrow is forecast to snow.
and i think i am the only person in germany who is excited.
german's just don't appreciate snow.
i hope you all did well in your exams.
especially you year 12's.
one in particular.
hope you all passed.
have an amazing summer without me.
see you in sixty nine days.
-peace xo

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

the foursome

who needs a sister when you have these 3.
i love them with all of my heart.
i miss you each and every day.
katherine jane. katie alexandra. sophie clementine. natasha mary.
friends forever.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

from paris to berlin

well dresden to berlin... but shh no one needs to know that
i'm off to berlin for a couple of days with Steffi and Laura.
i know i never update this. but we all know how lazy i am
i will be back wednesday. i may update this then.
hope you like the new photo/layout and if you dont too bad :P
love me xo

Saturday, November 01, 2008