Monday, September 29, 2008

one month...

this date one month ago was:
the day after my last morning walk with you
24 hours after "our night"
my last australian maths lesson EVER!
saying goodbye to 10A
friday glenferrie
australian starbucks
my last dinner with dad

tomorrow a month ago was:
an amazing saturday night
with the people i love
smiles laughter and random hookups
getting down and dirty on the d-floor
filled with tears and hugs with TJ
one of the best nights of my life

in two days a month ago was:
the morning after the night before
sushi and cupcakes for breakfast
breakdancing by the TV
walking on a sticky floor
weighing ourselves on dodgy scales
zipping up my bag
lying on the floor laughing as you attempted speaking german
a sunday i will never forget

those 3 days meant so much to me
so thank you everyone who shared them with me
i love you

-katie xo

Sunday, September 28, 2008

ich kenne nichts

so this weekend was a bit of an eventful one

yesterday (saturday) i went to oktoberfest. 4 girls, 4 hours filled with britney’s greatest hits, laughing, dancing, photographing and of course eating! it was cool when we crossed the old east west border i saw one of the watch tower.
and that was just the car ride to munich.

we went on a crazy rollercoaster that went upside down 5 times
got attacked by drunk people twice
and were totally grossed out by people munting
but we were okay

it was a fun day.
after oktoberfest we walked to starbucks (for steffi)
and visited the hard rock cafe (for laura)
and you should have seen the other girls go crazy over the designer stores
because they only have a few in dresden.

so then we went home,
listened to german music
and now i am obsessed with this english-german song called
ich kenne nichts... es ist sehr süß!!!!! ... it can only be described in german :P

do you know what else i am obsessed with at the moment?
vegemite toast.
like literally i have it twice a day.
its so good!
i guess its because it reminds me of home.
like the aussie flag i just put up on my wall :P

i so don’t want to go to school tomorrow
i actually hate it
but its only a 4 day week yay for reunification day!
so we are probably going out thursday night :D

anyway i should go back to writing my english essay
yes i voluntarily do my english homework
see how good i am :D

anyway that was my little informative blog for the week.
love you from fifteen hours west away

-katie xo

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


i know its been over a week
but i really dont have anything to say
i'm tired
and just not in a good mood...
and bitching apparently
so yes...
nothing to say...
if your lucky you will get somthing tomorrow...

-katie xo

well that was a pointless blog :P x

Monday, September 15, 2008

bad day...

15,951 kilometers away from everything i know
15,951 kilometers away from the ones that understand
15,951 kilometers away from the ones i love
15,951 kilometers away from those that i miss
15,951 kilometers away from the ones i hold so dear

15,951 kilometers away from those who laugh with not at
15,951 kilometers away from the summer sun
15,951 kilometers away from real BBQ's and g'day
15,951 kilometers away from the best friends a girl could have
15,951 kilometers away from fat kids who love cake

15,951 kilometers away from perfect cuddles
15,951 kilometers away from the comfort that i crave
15,951 kilometers away from those who wipe away my tears
15,951 kilometers away from the most beautiful bestfriend in the world

15,951 kilometers away from me
15,951 kilometers away you stand
15,951 kilometers wouldnt be that far
if it wasnt
15,951 kilometers away from the one i love

i miss you babe

- katie xo

24 hours later

it comes and goes so fast.
the weekend that is.
mine was a good one.
friday night was a party.
better than the last.
saturday a club

as i've been notified today
but an old friend (literally)
my blog is very literal.
i guess its because i'm a literal person
i dont know.

so i'm thinking its time to head off to dream land
it is almost 11pm.

goodnight kiddies,
i'll dream about some of you
and i hope you're dreaming about being with me
fifteen hours west

- katie xo

Sunday, September 14, 2008

birthday wishes

happy birthday loser

i know i am never there for your birthday,
so i thought i should at least publically wish you a good one

i love you bub,
you are my bestest friend in the whole world
we have somthing special that no-one can ever take away from us

your a bum-head
hope you are having a super sweet sixteenth
forhead loves you

i'm only fifteen hours west of you

- katie xo

Thursday, September 11, 2008

guess who?

everyday i wake up
you're the first thing i think of

every night i go to bed
thinking of you waking up

every time i walk to school
i know you are going home

every time i turn on my phone
pictures of you

every day i look at my photos
you know i miss you

and now sitting at my desk
writing this for you
you know who you are
forehead loves you

- katie xo

waiting ...

i sit in an empty classroom, and wait

wait for a bell
wait for a sign

our whole lives are built around waiting

waiting for that boy
waiting for "the one"

just one big waiting game

"please wait over here"
"no wait!"

we are all sitting in gods waiting room
but what are we truly waiting for?

i guess we will just have to wait and see

- katie xo

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Everything i write on here is seen by all – i know,
but please don’t judge, or talk about me though.

I’m just a normal teenager, trying to find her way in the world. So don’t assume or believe everything i write is truly what i feel it could be feelings from my past or other peoples perspective.
But writing is just a way to express myself.
Some things may be intense but as i was once told,

if you’re going to tell a story tell a good one ...

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

i just re-read this and it makes no sence

even though its tuesday i thought it was time to give you an update from the weekend.

friday night -
we had a family bbq
then went to the bar "habibi" with some friends...

saturday -
we went kayaking with the family ~ funny that i did sport voluntary i know!

saturday night -
we went to a party ~ not so fun

sunday -
SLEPT ALL DAY ~ like i used to... but i can’t anymore ... stupid work

yeah its hard.
try 10000000 times harder in german.
I kid you not but its okay.
tomorrow i get a sleep in :D and on thursday a big one (because i dont do latin)

some of you will be happy to hear that there are no men as yet.
still only one on my mind. which i know is bad but i cant help it.
i know i'm meant to leave all of my troubles and worries behind in melbourne and embrace life here.
but somtimes you just cant.

i miss gossiping with K and T
steaming up the D-floor with B - lol
german with G
macking with M :P
roling on the floor in hysterics with E
fighting with T
girl talking with Mummy
and of course
i'm missing getting abused by S.

its been just over a week now but it feels like so much longer - in a good way i think.

anyway, i must be going keep sending me emails/comments/ANYTHING oh and when your commenting... please leave your name so i know who you are - thanks.

and kids, don’t do anything stupid...

i'll find out i'm only fifteen hours west,
katie x

Thursday, September 04, 2008

quick update

So the day came,
i jumped on that plane and left behind that world
my world

after a long (very long) flight
filled with sleep and tears
i arrived...

germay is ment to be cold right...
yeah no.
today 27°

My family over here is so nice
Steffi is so kind
Attila is so CUTE

i'm going on a walk now.
lol i know
but i have to go

i'm only fifteen hours west,
katie x