Friday, October 17, 2008

roman holiday

i'm off to italy now
i shall be back next week
love xo

Monday, October 13, 2008

i feel guilty

for that chocolate i ate
for not doing exercise
for sleeping in
for sending short un-detailed messages
for not careing enough
for caring too much
for missing the wrong people
for being selfish
for being a bitch
for hurting someone i love
for not writing blogs
for things i have done
for saying the wrong thing
for leaving you behind
for being self centred
for staying up this late
for being guilty

guilt is my inspiration
sad really

-katie xo

Sunday, October 12, 2008


can certain people
aka parents/grandparents/anyone who can yell at me
please stop reading this and email me
its eaiser
and if you still read this
then pretend you never saw any of it


-katie xo

my weekend in pictures

officially the worst blog updater in the world

but who cares?
found somthing hilarious today
only a select few will agree though


-katie xo

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


four weeks down
seventeen to go